Ecuador Audubon Christmas Bird Counts

Black-faced Ibis

All the Ecuador Audubon Christmas Bird Counts.

The Ecuador Audubon Christmas Bird Counts brings people from all over the country,  little migrations start around the most popular birding destinations of the country.

Mindo Audubon Christmas Bird Count
Toucan Barbet can be seen at the Mindo Audubon Christmas Bird Count.

Mindo, was the first location in Ecuador in 1994,  with 12 participants and managed to register 250 species for the first time, a figure that increased and positioned the observers of Mindo as the first worldwide over the  years.

Yasuni Biosphere Reserve.
Collared Puffbird lives in the understory of the Amazon Rainforest. Yasuni Biosphere Reserve.

All  Ecuador Audubon Christmas Bird Counts are listed below to bring all the colors and songs from the Birds of Ecuador.

Western Chocó Cloud Forest


The Mindo Audubon Christmas Bird Count covers a big gradient or Western Chocó Cloud Forest, passing by the well known Tandayapa, Bellavista and Mindo-Nambillo Nature Reserve. Check in Here

Eastern Ecuador

Cosanga – Narupa

The Cosanga- Narupa Audubon Christmas Bird Count is the biggest contester for Mindo in the world leadership, after showing up in 2011. It covers the Eastern Cloud forest and foothills, between  the Sumaco National Park and the Antisana Wildlife Reserve. Check in Here


Ecuador Audubon Christmas Bird Counts
Anhinga, Yasuni Biosphere Reserve Audubon Christmas Bird Count.

The Yasuni Biosphere Reserve Audubon Christmas Bird Count  recorded 385 species of birds and 5,617 individuals. 92 people participated in the 5 circuits (Coca-Yasuní, Añangu, Chiro Apaika, Tambococha, and Shiripuno Lodge) in 2016, mostly along the Napo River a major tributary of the Amazon River. Check in Here

Urban Christmas Bird Counts


The Quito Audubon Christmas Bird Count is within the city of Quito, main squares and nature reserves throughout the Metropolitan Area. Check in Here


The Coca Audubon Christmas Bird Count is within the city of Francisco de Orellana, visiting rivers, oxbow lakes, terra firme, varzea and the main squares in town. Check in Here

Southern Ecuador


The Gualaquiza Audubon Christmas Bird Count is in the Province of Morona Santiago, between the eastern cordillera and the Cordillera del Cóndor, characterized by its abundant rivers, flora and fauna; it lies between an altitudinal range of 700 m.s. to 3500 m.s. different types of ecosystems. Check in here